Prior to any thing I write, I feel its my ultimate desire as well as duty, to offer my objectively heartiest THANKS, to all my family members, scattered all over this beautiful planet, for showing their e visits, support, love for education & wisdom and above all their valuable remarks, tips for improving the site look, suggestions and more important their honest and objective comments, mainly for improving the quality and quality alone for 134 micro posts, still require an umbrella for introduction.
To day I intend to offer two umbrellas, namely Sports of alphabet or Linguistic engineering to provide an introduction to my 134 micro posts, and REQUEST you to provide your valuable suggestion regarding which one to be kept out of the two.
The introduction, which is supposed to be the fist post, but the same has been postponed simply to know how the feedback of various family members, would be to some thing, which normaly looks so tiny. This work, I initiated in the year, 1995 and silently progressed as a journey, and now being presented in the form, which most of liked very much, but few of you had a different opinion, which I take as a challenge for keep on improving the quality further.I ersonally beleive, that in the era of nano technology on one hand and ulture of terrorism & suisidal attack o the other has turned the entire plannet into a health as well as a hppiness hazard. Its our duty to take both the issues simaltaneously and this is exactly how I initiated this work for. (to be continued)