

Resistance to




During last 96 hours, a religious community of Pakistan, offered resistance against culture of killings by sitting on street, in Quetta, a capital city of Baluchistan, and the same protest of sitting on street,  has spread all over Pakistan, in this severe  cold, very closed to freezing point & even below than this, in some places.  They had only one demand, Chief Minister of  Baluchistan should be removed & Military to take over,  the day to day affairs of  one of the biggest province of Pakistan, They had with them, around 86 DEAD BODIES, who were killed in a twin bomb blasts. Their WORK  finally paid off at around 3 am in the morning today, 14th Jan, 2113, the democratically elected government of the province of Baluchistan was removed by no one but the honorable DEMOCRATICAL GOVERNMET who is facing, a  long march,  ready to enter Islamabad in few hours from now.

A tribute to all those who provided the evidence for work

Published by Nasim Qasmi

Teaching Physics, for the last 5 decades, and very much interested in turning Earth into Paradise by marketing spiritual products, Love, Peace & Happiness which, I believe, are the cultural assets of Immortal life,